When will I get my order?
You will receive a tracking number when your order is fulfilled at the warehouse. Shipping time will vary based on your location and your choice of a shipping carrier.
Do you offer volume pricing?
Yes, volume pricing starts at two sets and is described below. Schools hoping to make large orders requiring an invoice and purchase order should complete the Quote Request Form.

Can my company or school use a purchase order?
Do you ship internationally?
We do not offer door-to-door delivery with duties paid. Recipients are responsible for all customs duties, taxes, and any other charges levied by their country’s customs regulations.
How long will my order take to process?
Due to the holiday season processing time may be extended from 1-3 business days to 3-5 business days.
Switch-Its Box
- Size: 8.5 x 11 x 0.25 inches
- Weight: 2.55 lbs (~1.16 kg)
Switch-Its Magnetic Dry-Erase Blocks
- 16 Small blocks (1.5 x 2.0 in)
- 8 Medium blocks (2.0 x 2.9 in)
- 4 Large blocks (2.9 x 4.1 in)
Are markers and erasers included in the box?
No, dry erase markers and erasers are not included in the box.
How do I take care of my Switch-Its?
Use dry erase markers only to avoid staining the writing surface. Remove the ink with a dry eraser or cloth. Clean entire block with a damp cloth and store in a dry, cool place to avoid damage. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasives and submerging in water to protect your Switch-Its.
Why don’t the Switch-Its stick to my whiteboard?
Due to differences in whiteboard construction we cannot guarantee that Switch-Its will stick to all magnetic whiteboards. In our own testing if the large Switch-Its slide on your board some very light sanding (with fine sandpaper) will solve the problem.
What is the Switch-Its return policy?
We hope you enjoy your Switch-Its as much as we do. However if you are not satisfied with the product we offer a 14-day warranty. Here is a link to our refund policy.